Lissabonfördraget och den svenska grundlagens reglering av EU (2008:13epa)

Författare: Bergström Carl Fredrik

The Lisbon Treaty leaves behind an urgent need for the consequences of our membership in the EU to be reflected more appropriately in the constitution than they are today. The Lisbon Treaty takes the last final steps in a long reform process and the Swedish constitution's life together with the EU is now entering a new phase with new requirements.

In order to highlight this, the constitution needs to amend so that it is clear that the Swedish democracy implements itself in more ways than what is apparent today and that this includes cooperation within the EU.

The analysis is in swedish.

The analysis is a part of the research project The constitutional development of the European Union.

2008:13epa Lissabonfördraget och den svenska grundlagens reglering av EU (318.94 kB)