Regelförenkling genom konsekvensutredningar (2010:1)

Författare: Erlandsson Magnus

Improved quality of regulation and legislation is now a pronounced objective at European as well as national level. The European Commission have for some years now tried to convince EU member states to reduce the administrative burdens – especially for companies – and make regulatory impact assessment an integrated part of their regulatory process.

But despite considerable efforts, the results have so far been rather modest.

In the SIEPS report Better Regulation through Impact Assessments, political scientist Magnus Erlandsson argues that Sweden is one of the lagging countries when it comes to regulatory impact assessment.

The report is part of the research project Representation, delegation and democracy and was presented at the seminar Improving the quality of regulation and legislation difficulties and solutions.

Regelförenkling genom konsekvensutredningar (2010:1) (478.58 kB)

Summary (131.32 kB)

Sammanfattning (132.33 kB)