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The Costs of War: how tariffs could help Europe give up Russian oil and gas

May 2022 • Lenk Hannes


The EU is struggling to agree sanctions on Russian energy supplies. By applying tariffs to oil and gas imports from Russia the Union could protect its energy security during a phase-out, while preventing Russia from financing its war in Ukraine. This could be agreed by qualified majority, and would mean the EU’s trade policy was aligned with its values, interests and obligations, argues Hannes Lenk, Senior Researcher in Law at SIEPS. (May 2022)

Investor-state arbitration under TTIP: Resolving investment disputes in an (autonomous) EU legal order (2015:2)

January 2015 • Lenk Hannes


The prospect of inclusion of the investment-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), gave rise to heated debate and strong criticism in many EU countries. The initially much polarised either-or discussion has recently gained a more nuanced tone with Trade Commissioner’s Cecilia Malmström’s opening up for a reform of ISDS.


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